
In this section, current events related to Julius Erasmus and the research on his person are observed and commented.


  • “Modern culture of remembrance” in the District of Düren: The “Dance Theater” over the graves of the war dead at the military cemetery in Vossenack on the occasion of Remembrance Day (“Volkstrauertag”) 2023 (Published on 19/08/2024, latest update on 30/08/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): Last letter of a German soldier from Russia, 4 January 1944 (Published on 07/08/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): Last letter of a German soldier from Russia, 22 March 1945 (Published on 22/07/2024)

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  • Thoughts on war: Hannes Wader – Es ist an der Zeit (“The time has come“) (Published on 03/07/2024)

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  • In Memoriam: Nikolai Orlov and the Fallen of Myasnoi Bor (Николай Орлов и павший Мясной Бор) (Published on 26/06/2024, latest update on 09/07/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): The letters of German soldier Adelbert Rühle, 1939 to 1942 – part 4 of 4 (Published on 14/06/2024)

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  • Thoughts on war: Werner Bergengruen – The Lie (Published on 07/06/2024)

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  • Thoughts on war: Reinhard Mey – Sei wachsam (“Be vigilant“) (Published on 03/06/2024)

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  • Thoughts on war: Gustave M. Gilbert and the “Nuremberg Diary“ – Mechanisms of motivating people to participate in war and for the elimination of resistance (Published on 17/05/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): The letters of German soldier Adelbert Rühle, 1939 to 1942 – part 3 of 4 (Published on 14/05/2024)

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  • “Modern culture of remembrance” in the District of Düren: The distortion of remembrance on the national Remembrance Day (“Volkstrauertag”) (Published on 21/04/2024)

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  • Thoughts on war: “Youth under Fate” – Biographies of young Germans 1946 to 1949 (Published on 11/04/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): Letter of a German soldier from Russia, 7 October 1941 (Published on 02/03/2024)

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  • Humanity in war: Open letter from the former young Soviet forced laborer Vladimir Prichodko to the citizens of Stuttgart in 1973 (Published on 16/02/2024)

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  • “Modern culture of remembrance” in the District of Düren: The removal of the memorial stone for Julius Erasmus by the District in September 2022 (Published on 06/02/2024)

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  • Humanity in war: The US combat medic John Warren Smedberg in the Second World War (Published on 18/01/2024)

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  • Mail Correspondence with Soldiers at War (“Feldpostbriefe”): Letters from a 16-year-old member of the German “Volkssturm” to his family in 1945 (Published on 14/01/2024)

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  • Humanity in war: Siberia, December 1944 (Published on 03/01/2024)

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